Sunday, May 19, 2013

Onwards and Upwards!

Hello all,

There is so much hype, fanfare, marketing and fads these days that plague us with too much information or, even worse, not enough. I am writing this blog to present my research and findings, as well as results on my own exercise and nutrition plan.

How many times do you go to the store and are overwhelmed by the low-fat, low-carb, sugar alternatives, high-sugar, corn syrup and other mysterious ingredients and just wished there was a simpler answer on how to eat? And then, how much confusion and uncertainty surrounds the various types and effects of exercises that inhibits actual action and progress?

Armed with dangerous levels of curiosity and the burning desire to maximize the time we spend carving nutritional and exercise plans, I plan on investigating the hype and providing research and personal results to help others consider what path may be best and quickest for them.

While everyone is different, I believe in everyone's abilities to achieve amazing results by using the right knowledge and encouragement. I challenge each and every one of you to follow along and present your own findings and results as we forge a path towards our ideal combination of nutrition and exercise.

From Baby steps to Giant steps,